Monday, February 10, 2014

The LEGO Movie!

Hey Everyone!

It's been a long time since I've updated, and for that I apologize. It turns out that, in getting a promotion, work likes to take up all of your time!

Anyway, on to more important things:

This weekend, I had the privilege of seeing the newly released LEGO Movie. It was great, and you should see it, too:

Without trying to get too spoiler-filled, the movie is about Emmet, a simple construction minifig. He's the "chosen one" of the LEGO people, a prophesied hero who will save the LEGO world when he is most needed. However, as the movie poster so clearly states, he's a nobody. Much to the chagrin of the minifig "rebellion" he's not super smart, clever, creative, or really great at anything. He's Joe Everyman... he's Emmet:

The LEGO world is in danger! Lord Business has plans on destroying everything! He has in his mind a devious plan to keep everything absolutely perfect... at the cost of everyone! So, a daring group of minifigs, called the "Master Builders" band together to take on this evil minifig and CEO of Octan (the in-universe LEGO corporation).

Potential Spoilers Ahead:

This is a terrific example of a movie for everyone. One of the things this movie has going for it is an extremely large following of people who grew up with LEGO Sets and know what they're all about. What makes it even more fun is that there are references everywhere in this movie to things both LEGO and pop culture that everyone can appreciate.

It's a terrific mockbuster - a movie that mocks blockbuster films. The movie does a fantastic job using the tropes that we all know from some of the biggest summer movies, but it does so in a tongue-in-cheek way that is too high-concept for children, making the film entertaining for adults.

The film's overarching story is about Emmet, this nobody minifig who goes through a sort of crucible that makes him into a something more... a hero. However, the great thing is, the movie makes it clear that to be a hero, you don't need to be anyone special. You can be Emmet and still save the world. So he joins up with this band of misfits and tries to save the LEGO World:

The underlying story of the movie is about teamwork, and how an effective team can accomplish more than the individual parts. And despite what Fox Business says, the movie does not have an anti-business message. In fact, if anything the movie has a pro-business message in that Octan employs everyone in the LEGO City world, they're all provided for, and everyone seems happy. Everything is awesome, after all. It's just a coincidence that Lord Business is the bad guy. But if you've watched the movie, you know that he's not a bad guy because of his owning a business or being the CEO of Octan, but because no one took him seriously and no one accepted him for who he was. Honestly, it's a great message for kids to receive and adults to hear.

I'm happy to say that I'll be owning this movie when it comes out. Plus, I can't wait for the LEGO Movie specific sets to come out... can't wait for Benny's Spaceship!

Spaceship, Spaceship, SPACESHIP!!!


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